
15 minutes of louvre.

i've officially declared that i'm a blogging failure.
and starting today, i will be better.
today was boring though.
i woke up around 10.
washed my face and did my hair.
watched an episode of awkward.
ate breakfast and made a lunch.
left for the train.
took the metro and walked to class.
sat in religion for two hours (ate my lunch, wrote down what i need to do this week).
went to the louvre with sammie for approximately 15 minutes.
went home.
got on facebook.
decided to blog.
and that brings us to now.

but just for fun, enjoy these pictures i took at the louvre.
la belle jardiniere, raphael.
i'm writing a paper for art history on this.

the nike statue.
very cool. super chouette.

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