
a horrible, no good, very bad day. i hate gypsies.

upon my arrival in paris, i was pretty confident about avoiding pickpocketing gypsies and other thieves of the sort.
that was until today.
ladies and gentlemen, my iphone got stolen.
(and how ironic that steve jobs died today...)

to make a long story short...
i was at mcdonald's with tiff and sammie, using the free wifi and checking flights to barcelona. i decided to check facebook on my phone and when i was done, i set it in front of me, on top of my open notebook that i was writing in.
suddenly there was a paper with scribbles in front of my face and a man was at our table saying, "mademoiselle s'il vous plait, s'il vous plait..." over and over and over again. i felt like we did a pretty good job at saying NO and ignoring him until he left.
i watched him and his gypsy whore leave with big smirks on their faces, so i figured that must have take something. my first thoughts were sammie's bag, because it was just sitting on the chair next to her. nothing was gone, so we continued to search for flights, as if nothing had happened.
when we finally left, i naturally opened my bag to find my phone.
it wasn't there.
and then it hit me.
the dumb ass stole my phone.

luckily, my dad called our phone service and got it cancelled. but still, i can't get rid of the pit-feeling inside my stomach everything i think about it. and i feel naked without it.
everything reminds me of my phone.
i never thought my phone could be stolen that easily.

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