
the things i do for dr. pepper.

today on the train, a man started talking to kelly and i, in english.
at first he thought we were english (oh man i wish...), but we told him we were american.
he asked us where we were from, what we were studying, etc.
he told me that he wasn't sure if we were american at first because he thought i looked spanish.
i guess i'd take that as a compliment.
and then he asked us, "so you guys like dr. pepper?"
kelly and i looked at each other and then back at the man, who introduced himself as "michael".
together we said, "dr. pepper is the best."
we told him how we were obsessed and disappointed that the french didn't drink it.
then he said, "well i found some. and i have a picture for proof."
he pulls out his phone and he was right. in the picture were boxes of dr. pepper.
i asked, "where on earth did you find it?"
he told us to take the line 1 metro to le defense and it was in the auchan (probably the french equivalent of costco...only slightly smaller) in the big shopping mall above the metro.

just then, we arrived at our stop and we bid farewell to michael.
we ran to our apartment to drop off our stuff and decided to go find the dr. pepper.
it was about 6:30 and we didn't have to be to dinner until 8.

so anywho...it took us about 25 minutes to get to the auchan and by then it was almost 7.
we couldn't find it...and when we did...it was super crowded.
we finally found the soda on the lower level and i'm pretty sure we circled the whole floor twice and couldn't see the dr. pepper anywhere.
finally we asked a cashier, "avez-vous le dr. pepper?"
she sensed we were american and laughed as she told us no.
i was pissed.
"maybe it's on the foreign food isles?" i asked kelly. but no such luck...
i've honestly never been so pissed off in my life. michael either lied to us or they just don't have it anymore...but i'm really craving a dr. pepper right now and i want to cry.
so much for that...

we got back to our host family's apartment around 8:30 and i've honestly never felt so embarrassed in my life...we were 30 minutes late for dinner and i'm already positive the children don't really like us much.
but dinner was good...we had a yummy salad and this bread-like thing with meat in it.
but the real embarrassment sunk in when it was time for dessert.
the two daughters went into the kitchen to get the dessert.
suddenly the lights went off and then emerged through the door with dessert (a chocolate mousse thing...which was fan-freaking-tastic).
one of the desserts had a lit candle in it.
it was henri's birthday and we had totally forgot.

can you say awkward?

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