
weekend update

here's what i've been doing the last couple days.
it's been a blast and i can't believe i'm going home in THREE (starting in about an hour) days!

we rode the carousel.
i had a great time.
i fed birds and they touched me.
honestly, it was the coolest/weirdest/scariest/best experience of my life.
and even though there isn't a picture, TWO, count em, TWO pigeons sat on my hand!
i found my inner parisian.

i took pictures with my friends.

i drank hot chocolate from angelina's.

it was dang good.

i hung out with mona lisa.

i walked around the tuileries.

i rode the ferris wheel.

it rained.

1 comment:

  1. Very Parisian! Tre Magnifique! Can't wait to see you! Safe travels!

    Auntie Holly
