
cribs: paris edition.

so. after class today, i went to a craft store with sammie and tiff, which turn out to be completely successful. i got me some mod podge and i'm loving life. after parting ways with sam and tiff, i continued on the long journey back to our apartment in asnieres. i stopped at the supermarche on my way back to get some groceries...that should hopefully last me a week. i'm on a budget now...well i'm "trying" to be on one.
while sitting on facebook, i discovered that my new favorite snack is, in fact, apples with speculoos spread. (what is speculoos spread? basically, it's like graham cracker paste and it is HELLA good.)
apples + speculoos = basically an apple pie treat.
i skyped my mom (grant and lily too) and uploaded some pictures on facebook.
then kelly came home.
and not even five been after her return, our host mom comes in and starts jabbering things at us in french.
but i knew what she meant.

lia. the spanish girl. had moved out.
which meant that either me or kelly was moving into her room.
so cool beans. we both have our own rooms now.
it's nice, but weird. i haven't got a bunk buddy anymore.
but we've been cleaning and moving stuff. so i thought. hey. why not take some pictures of my crib?
and now you get a tour of where i'm living until december.

drum roll please?
well, here's what i get to see every time i open the door. i like to call it vintage ikea. it's quaint, but still gives off the swedish vibe that most ikea furniture tends to do. and who can say no to blue?

naturally, my desk is really comfortable. and very white. we get stuff done...me and my desk.

and here is my vanity/fireplace. i think it looks pretty self explanatory. and there are plenty of shelves for my clothes and shoes.

and here is my bed. before kelly moved into the room next door, we had a bunk bed. i was on top. and still am. i don't know if i like it...i hate climbing up and down the ladder. it's awkward. but i have a nice closet and a little "sofa", as well as two "bean bag chairs" and a coffee table complete with world map. naturally i hang out here all the time.

but honestly. take in the uniqueness of my "sofa" and be jealous. it is, in fact, the most comfortable thing on the planet...i even get a pocket thing to put things in.

 also, jesus and mary watch over me every night.

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